学校2 1996

剧情 日本 1996 




  1993年,山田洋次導演的《學校》在日本本士引起極大迴響,不僅贏得好評如潮,更在各大頒獎禮中獨領風騷。延續篇《學校II》將舞台移師至北海道一間供智障學童入讀的高中,但仍舊以刻劃帥生關係及反思教育意義為核心主題。山田在片中寄托了他對學校及老師們的期望:教育並非只靈培育老師心目中的好學生,老師的工作也並非只是教學,更重要的是跟學生建立深厚的關係。全片溫情洋溢,值得細味。    The Learning Circle, a film by Yamada Yoji and a follow-up to his 1993 hit A Class To Remember, is a moving story about the daily life of teachers and students at a high school for mentally-handicapped children. In this film, Yamada has depicted vividly and with genuine emotion the dreams and expectations he has for all schools and teacher: "Education is much more than merely minting students who are easy for schools and teachers to handle. A teacher's job is more than just teaching and guiding students, it is also to associate closely with them."    新學年又開始了。在北海道一間專供智障學童入讀的高中,青山龍平老師正在迎接新生。當中一位名叫高志的學生智商不算低,但過去曾受同學欺侮,心靈創傷使他從此一言不發。另一位學生佑矢就更是問題多多。他總是不肯乖乖坐著,一時大呼小叫,一時又像一枝箭似的飛奔出課室;問他甚麼也好,答案就衹有一個:午後紅茶-他最喜愛的飲料。資深老師也拿他沒法,於是把佑矢交給新到任的小林老師看管,害得他沒一刻能放鬆,差點得了神經衰弱。直到一天,一件前所未有的事發生了:佑矢忽然跳了起來,想要搶奪北川老師手中的文稿。這時,一直沒開口說過一句話的高志忽然疾言厲色地罵他。更令人意外的是郤是佑矢的反應──他第一次順著別人的意思去做。自那一天起,學校有了重大的改變,不僅是學生,老師也一樣……    資料來源︰電影雙周刊—Home Entertainment DVD (香港)


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